Book Notes

Best nonfiction book summaries in 100 words or less, followed by key lessons and highlights. This page will be constantly updated as I read more, so bookmark it if you want to check back in a few months.

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decision making creativity perspective

Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

productivity leadership entrepreneurship

On Writing Well

On Writing Well

work creativity

The E-Myth Revisited

The E-Myth Revisited

entrepreneurship marketing leadership

The Psychology of Money

The Psychology of Money

money psychology investing

How Will You Measure Your Life

How Will You Measure Your Life

decision making perspective happiness

High Performance Habits

High Performance Habits

productivity high performance happiness

This Is Marketing

This Is Marketing

marketing entrepreneurship

A Short Guide to a Long Life

A Short Guide to a Long Life

health fitness happiness

Smarter Faster Better

Smarter Faster Better

productivity high performance psychology

Dollars and Sense

Dollars and Sense

money psychology

Expert Secrets

Expert Secrets

entrepreneurship marketing

Outsource Smart

Outsource Smart

productivity leadership

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

marketing communication

The Little Book of Stoicism

The Little Book of Stoicism

philosophy mindset

Company of One

Company of One

entrepreneurship creativity work perspective

Night School

Night School

health high performance productivity

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad

money mindset

Your Move

Your Move

entrepreneurship marketing

The Brain Audit

The Brain Audit

communication marketing

Do The Work

Do The Work

creativity work



work psychology creativity

Smart Choices

Smart Choices

decision making psychology

How to Be a Productivity Ninja

How to Be a Productivity Ninja

productivity high performance

The Winner’s Brain

The Winner’s Brain

high performance psychology

Ego is the Enemy

Ego is the Enemy

philosophy perspective mindset

We Are All Weird

We Are All Weird

marketing creativity entrepreneurship



work decision making leadership perspective mindset

Brain Rules

Brain Rules

psychology high performance productivity health

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

perspective mindset happiness

Poke The Box

Poke The Box

creativity marketing entrepreneurship

The 48 Laws of Power

The 48 Laws of Power

leadership perspective mindset relationship

Business Without the Bullsh*t

Business Without the Bullsh*t

leadership entrepreneurship

Perennial Seller

Perennial Seller

work marketing creativity

The 4-Hour Work Week

The 4-Hour Work Week

money entrepreneurship productivity perspective work

The Art of Thinking Clearly

The Art of Thinking Clearly

psychology decision making



money investing

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

productivity high performance

The Accidental Creative

The Accidental Creative

creativity psychology work



decision making perspective psychology

What Clients Love

What Clients Love

entrepreneurship marketing communication

10-Minute Toughness

10-Minute Toughness

mindset psychology high performance sports

Manage Your Day-to-Day

Manage Your Day-to-Day

productivity high performance creativity work

The Bounce Back Book

The Bounce Back Book

health psychology mindset happiness

It’s a Jungle in There

It’s a Jungle in There

entrepreneurship leadership



perspective mindset work

The Hour between Dog and Wolf

The Hour between Dog and Wolf

decision making high performance psychology

The Narrow Road

The Narrow Road

money entrepreneurship



creativity entrepreneurship work

The Virgin Way

The Virgin Way

entrepreneurship leadership

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

mindset money

The Impact Equation

The Impact Equation

creativity entrepreneurship marketing

David and Goliath

David and Goliath

perspective mindset



communication leadership



leadership entrepreneurship marketing communication

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

mindset perspective happiness



marketing entrepreneurship

Good Products Bad Products

Good Products Bad Products

decision making creativity

How We Learn

How We Learn

psychology creativity

The Champion’s Mind

The Champion’s Mind

psychology mindset sports

The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit

high performance productivity psychology

The $100 Startup

The $100 Startup

entrepreneurship marketing work creativity



work creativity mindset

59 Seconds

59 Seconds

psychology decision making

The Fast Diet

The Fast Diet

health high performance

Awaken The Giant Within

Awaken The Giant Within

psychology mindset high performance


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Sebastian Kade

Head of product and engineering